There are over 9000 species in the world. And out of which the parrot group itself consists of about 330 species. They can range from tiny little cuddly birds that can be held in the palm of one's hand to quite large birds almost a foot and a half in length.
Finding the right parrot from various species can be a bit of a daunting exercise for you and your family. One must consider cost, food requirements, maintenance, available space, and level of socialization, interaction with the bird and owners expectations before buying a pet parrot. In this article you will get all the details for selecting the suitable parrot for yourself and for your family.
Buy a young parrot
Rearing a new parrot from young helps to facilitate taming. Now the question arises that how to determine the age of the parrot. By looking some basic things like color of the eye, color of the body and scales on its legs you can easily determine any bird's age. The scales of young parrots are much smoother than that of mature birds. The body color of young one appears much duller than the matured. The best option is to buy one which is newly born which is independent of its parent.
Choose the right species of parrot
Know the characteristics of the parrot you are interested in before buying?
Do they make tremendously loud voices which can cause huge disturbance to the neighbors?
Do they have powerful beaks that can damage your personal belongings if let free in the house?
Do they need special nutritional foods? Some birds need special foods since they feed on nectar. This also relates to cost.
Check the condition of the parrot
The parrot feathers should be tidy and clean. Ensures all claws are there. Ask for a certified health certificate by the veterinary so that you have assurance of buying a healthy parrot home.
Parrot Buying
Always buy your family parrot from well-established and reputable pet shops.